Professional Building Services Based in West Cornwall

Call us on 07979 370108

About Barnes Builders

We understand the building project process. Customers that use Barnes Builders will find us a friendly, no hassle company. With extensive knowledge of Cornish properties and planning laws, we can help you make your building project a success. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Barnes Builders work hard with their customers to ensure their building ambitions are completed to a high standard. During the consultation, your needs will be discussed and you will only pay for what you are quoted.

“When I set up Barnes Builders with my son Steve, we were keen to make sure our company was trustworthy and that customer satisfaction was a key focus when building work was undertaken and completed by us. Using locally sourced materials: we make sure that only the best materials are used to make sure that building work reflects care and attention to detail. Our ambition has been realised with many customers returning to us on an annual basis to have new projects completed by us.”
Rob Barnes


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